To build an upgraded version of China-Latin America cooperation, Li proposed a new mode of production capacity cooperation called "three times three."
“3X3”合作新模式,可以用a new mode of cooperation called "three times three"表示,是提出的中拉产能(production capacity)和装备制造(equipment manufacturing)的合作新模式,中方将设立300亿美元中拉产能合作专项基金(special fund)。
“3X3”新模式,一是指共建物流、电力、信息三大通道(joint construction of three passages for logistics, electric power and information);二是实行企业、社会、政府三者良性互动(achieve sound interaction among the private sector, society and the government),通过合资(joint ventures)、公私合作(public-private partnership,PPP)、特许经营权(franchising)等方式进行项目合作;三是拓展基金、信贷、保险三条融资渠道(expand three financing channels, namely funding, credit loans and insurance)。
认为拉美不能只做初级产品的全球供应商(an exporter of raw materials),中国也不能一直只当廉价产品的世界工厂(a global supplier of cheap products),推动工业化、再工业化,进行国际产能合作,是世界发展的大趋势。
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