
2019-09-28 13:50:44

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1. 林申:你可以拒绝我,但不要拒绝青春
  This bronze was created by Rodin in his late years. "The Old Courtesan" was once an eminent beauty, a woman to die for. Look now upon the ashes of hear youth, the pain is all tangible. Age knows no mercy. Please accept this gift as a kind reminder: You may choose to reject me, but you should never reject your youth。

  2. 徐峥:干我们这行的表面上很风光
  Showbiz may look glitzy, but it isn't as cushy as it seems. No fixed accomodation, no fixed hours. We get up before the rooster crows, go to bed after bogeyman is tucked in for the night, work harder then oxen, and eat worse than pigs... The worst thing is you have no dignity! Whatever the director tells you to do, you do it. He wants you to jump off a building, you jump. He wants you to stand in the rain and soak, you soak. He wants you to strip, you strip。

  3. 古巨基:我是卖保险的
  But my work isn't exactly a walk in the park either. We wear suits and look elegant, but we live with our tails betweenn our legs. We have assessments every week, it drives us insane. We don't get to see our loved ones for the holidays。

  4. 苏有朋:我是个职业的选手
  我是个职业的选手,参加过‘超男’ ‘好男’‘真男’‘梦男’ ‘舞男’‘型男’‘星光大道’‘舞动奇迹’‘舞林大会’‘民声大震’‘舞动新主播’‘闪亮第一次心动’,只要是秀场我都上。你别看我年轻,我可是上过三十几部戏了。三国里,我一人就演了三个角色,…先跟着刘备打曹操,后来又跟着曹操打东吴,再后来,跟谁打谁我都记不清楚了。只要是副导演一声开机,朝着镜头狂奔就行。
  I'm a professional talent show contestant. I've been on "Super Boy", "Good Boy", "Real Boy", "Dream Boy", "Dance Boy", "Super Star", "Stars in their Eyes", "The X Factor", "Dancing with Stars", "Soul Train", "Pop Idol", "Nouvelle Star". If it's a talent show, I go! I may look a little wet behind the ears, but i've acted in over 30 TV series. In "Three Kindoms" I acted three parts all by myself. First Liu Bei and I went to war with Cao Cao. Then Cao Cao and I went to war with Dong Wu. And after that... As soon as the assistant director shouted "action", we'd all sprint towards the camera。

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