趁暑假还没结束 这9件事儿你要抓紧做

2019-09-14 06:31:41

每当暑假开始时,都是一阵欢天喜地的节奏;每当暑假过半时,那是一片昏天黑地的景色;等到暑假结束了,全部化作垂头丧气的悔过…… 这样的暑假你过了多少个?不想放完假整个人就不好了的小伙伴们,快来看看还有哪些事儿,能帮你摆脱单调的日子,点亮剩下的假期吧!

1. 放下手机,甩开电脑,快去拥抱身边的小伙伴们!

Unplug and go connect with your real life friends.


Everyone is on the Internet these days. Some people will keep their face pointed directly at their phones even when they’re outside. Sometime this summer, make sure you set the phone down, step away from the computer, and experience life without the Internet. Make sure you stop by and see your friends. Catch up; do things that you used to do before the Internet became a dominant force in our lives. Your brain will thank you because sometimes, you just have to get away from the web.

2. 表宅着了,出门走走吧!

Walk somewhere.

作为长着两条腿儿的人类,天天宅在家里,你还想不想茁壮成长了?看在健康的份儿上,找个大商场,公园,马路神马的,出来轧一轧哈~ 当然,如果你是户外散步的话,还能收获太阳君免费赠送的维生素D哦!

We have legs that we are using less and less these days. Do your body, your cardiovascular system, and your health a favor and pound some pavement this summer. Find a park or a trail and walk around. If you live close enough, hoof it to your local shopping center. Whatever it is, just get off your behind and walk around outside for a while. Did we mention that the sun gives away free vitamin D?

3. 想要暑假大变身?坚持做平板运动。

Plank yourself three times a day.


Summertime is the best time to get yourself into shape. It’s nice outside which makes outdoor activities more fun. People generally lose weight over the summer because there is so much more to do. When we say plank, we don’t mean the silly thing that people do where they lay down on random things. We’re talking about the ab exercise that can help you firm up that tummy. If you start doing it now and keep going until fall, you’ll definitely see results!

4. 收拾行装,度假去。

Go on a vacation.


This one is self explanatory but nevertheless it’s important. The routine of day-to-day life can be stressful. Going on vacation allows you to get away from all the stress of your every day life. You can decompress, recharge, and give yourself a mental and emotional makeover. It also doesn’t hurt that vacations are fun.

5. 组织一次烧烤活动。

Have a BBQ.


Fire up the grill and the smoker because it’s summer! There is no better time to have a BBQ and invite your friends, neighbors, and family over. It’s a fun time and it’s a great way to bond with the people you care about. BBQ is also delicious and with all of the other activities you’ll be doing, it’ll be easy to keep the weight off too.

6. 做一回志愿者。



It’s never too late to help those in need or to volunteer in places around your community. Volunteer to be a life guard or to help clean up trash out of your local parks and woods. It’s your community, so why not help keep it safe and clean?

7. 虽然老套,但依然经典,户外野餐必须有。

Go for a picnic.


It seems a little old-fashioned, but a picnic can still be a lot of fun. Put some food in a basket or a cooler, go find a grassy spot somewhere, plop down, and have a meal. Take your friends or your family along and make an experience that you’ll remember. Just be sure to avoid the ant hills!

8. 去看一次震撼人心的日落。

Watch a sunset from an epic location.


Everywhere is within an hour of a great spot to watch a sunset. You may have hills in your area that you can climb where you can watch the sunset over your town. You may live near a beach where you can watch it happen over water. Sunsets are among the most popular computer and cell phone backgrounds ever because they’re absolutely gorgeous. You’ve seen the high resolution photos, but there really is nothing like experiencing the real thing.

9. 看场暑期大片吧!

See a summer blockbuster.


Some of the best movies come out over the summer. Grab the family and head on over to the local movie theater to enjoy it for yourself. Summer blockbusters are often the talk of the town. You’re going to hear your friends spout quotes.
