Take a Slow Walk
By Zero Wu
As an Indian saying goes,he who walks too fast needs to take a rest, waiting for his soul to catch up.
I am the one who used to walk too fast. Lost in life, with a fast-paced lifestyle, I hurried on with my journey until someday I began to learn to take a slow walk.
I sometimes doubt myself whether what I insist on and give upon is totally different from that of other people and whether I have no sense of fear about it. In my prelife, I must be a warrior riding a horse galloping freely all over the world. Even in present life, I am a woman of iron will, no worse than a man. With prelife’s blood flowing inside, I can at any time carry my bag to embark on my long-time adventure.
As a child, I always kept myself buried in books and naively thought, cup of tea and book in hand, I was in a paradise, for I always bore in mind that “Since tea can intoxicate me, why need I drink wine? Now that books can make the room fragrant, why are flowers needed?”.
I am a person who has just begun to take a slow walk, interpreting my own stories as “fables” of a person who vanished inch by inch and finally gained resurrection; who has picked up the courage to take my free-willed journey across the massive land; who has been free from any intense feelings along with worries;who has learnt to take a sip after getting deeply drunk;who will let go of everything if the “bird” in heart has to fly away; who wishes to live in the afterlife as a tree on the Toscana hillside depicted by Chen Danyan without thoughts or pains; who long keeps smiles and inner peace, although crowded on the subway train.
I leave behind the speech that I have conceived for lives around the lips at which overgrows wild grass. I might as well bury it in a small garden, or attach my emotion to it, scattering the fragrance of life to embellish my ever-lastingly meaningful written words.
Notes: Zero Wu, currently a journalism major at Zhejiang Wanli University, is a close friend of mine. Talented for photographing and writing, she is also an intern journalist with Chongqing Newspaper Agency and Sohu.com
我是那个一度在生命里走得太快的人,在人生里迷途、在生活里匆匆、在旅程里赶路。直到有一天开始学会散步 。
年少的我始终与书为媒,为书作嫁。 自认为一茶一卷在手,便是天堂。 始终记得那句话:茶亦醉人何必酒,书能香我何需花。
我是一个开始学会散步、并将自己的故事读成“寓言”的人;一个一寸一寸地幻灭、又否极泰来的人;一个终于因为不爱,而从此又可以重拾那份大路朝天的自由与辽阔的人;一个任何强烈的感觉、都在随着烦恼远去的人;一个因为深深地醉过,从此而懂得了浅尝辄止的人;一个如果必须放飞心里的那只“鸟”,那么就放飞所有的人;一个愿来生,没有思想,没有疼痛,像一棵树,长在陈丹燕笔下的“托斯卡那”山坡上的人;一个地铁里、被人流裹挟,长久以来,面容微笑,内心平静的人 。
学会散步Take a Slow Walk
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