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最后活动于 2017-06-23
回复了主题 › [翻译交流]Twenty-two David Tao(二十二 陶喆)   really good translation...but there‘s one poing i want to point out...the translation you did are just kind of literally not an abstruse one...
«  2017-06-23
回复了主题 › [翻译交流]Twenty-two David Tao(二十二 陶喆)   David Tao feels like using series of numbers to entitle his songs...
«  2017-06-16
回复了主题 › 大家认为校园英文报的卖点应该是什么   listing various slangs mostly used in U.S...this might be a good idea...
«  2017-06-14
回复了主题 › [翻译交流]Twenty-two David Tao(二十二 陶喆)   here i just want to clarify that your work was really that arresting when i got the first sight of it...even the next sights...
  as to your response of my words...maybe sometimes if you do it in an abstruse way,i almost get strayed while doing some lyrics tran
«  2017-06-07
回复了主题 › [翻译交流]Twenty-two David Tao(二十二 陶喆)   i think i will focus on your translation work ...
«  2017-06-06