马泉营生活网论坛 » Eucalyptus



主题数: 1     回贴数: 6


最后活动于 2017-09-14
回复了主题 › [原创]Changing of the Guards   作者:must_be 回复日期:2005-1-27 10:19:52 
    constructive comments
    指出错误难道不是“constructive comments”么?
    那么什么叫“constructive comments”?
«  2017-09-14
回复了主题 › [原创]Changing of the Guards   Well said, 雨横山2, and it gives me a good opportunity to exercise my ‘power‘, to offer you an red face.:)
  With more understanding from the members, perhaps the moderators can have more time of their own to pursue their own interests.
  I‘m sure a
«  2017-09-13
回复了主题 › [原创]Changing of the Guards   Please keep the language clean, and refrain from making personal attacks.
  Focus on the issue, if there‘s a real issue here, and try to find some common grounds.
  So far the ‘discussion‘ is okay, but I thought I‘d better post a gentle remin
«  2017-09-04
回复了主题 › A dead divider   Someone entered the discussion through personal messages, and emphasises the importance of establishing institutions in the present day China. I think that's a very good point. Why do we need to assess Mao, again and again, at different times and from different
«  2017-06-29
回复了主题 › A dead divider   bulb:
  No indoctrination? We didn't pray, but we did sing "东方红", "三大纪律八项注意", "大海航行靠舵手" at various hours of the day. We were also surrounded by slogans such as "统一思想、统一步调、统一行动" (there're four of them but I can't recall the other one at the moment), and variou
«  2017-06-28
创建了主题 › A dead divider While Mao indoctrinated the whole nation with one thought - Mao Zedong thought - when he was alive, he has now become a divider in death of the people all over the world, especially those with a keen interest in politics in China. Whenever and wherever his
«  2017-06-25
回复了主题 › [原创][征文]In Memory of My Lost Spring   April
  A blooming season
  I can‘t marry you for a reason.
  Up you go to face the judge.:)
«  2017-06-05